Lumigan is a synthetic prostaglandin used to treat glaucoma unresponsive to other medicines. supplies only genuine Lumigan from Canada and India using Canadian or India packaging. This Lumigan is manufactured by Allergan Inc. the worldwide manufacturer of Lumigan. This offer is neither endorsed nor authorized by Allergan Inc. (The United States and Canadian distributor of Lumigan). has no affiliation whatsoever with Allergan Inc.
Lumigan side effects that may go away during treatment, include burning, stinging, dry eyes, feeling of a foreign body in the eye, weakness, or headache. If Lumigan side effects continue or are bothersome, check with your doctor. CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR AS SOON AS POSSIBLE if you experience Lumigan side effects like a change in vision; any change in the appearance of the eyes, including redness, itching, swelling, or pain; redness on the inside of eyelid; or fever with runny nose or congestion.Lumigan side effects like Bimatoprost may slowly cause permanent darkening of the eye (iris), eyelid, and eyelashes. Lumigan side effects like Growth and/or thickening of the eyelashes may also occur. Contact your doctor for more details. If you notice other Lumigan side effects not listed above, contact your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist.