SINEMET CR side effects cannot be anticipated. If any SINEMET CR side effects develop or change in intensity, inform your doctor immediately.
Only your doctor can determine if you might be prone to SINEMET CR side effects.
More common SINEMET CR side effects may include:
Confusion, hallucinations, nausea, uncontrollable twitching or jerking
Less common or rare SINEMET CR side effects may include:
Abdominal or stomach pain, abnormal dreams, agitation, anemia, anxiety, back pain, bizarre breathing patterns, bleeding from stomach, blisters, blurred vision, burning sensation of tongue, chest pain, clumsiness in walking, common cold, constipation, convulsions, cough, dark saliva, dark sweat, dark urine, delusions, depression, diarrhea, dilated pupils, disorientation, dizziness, dizziness upon rising from a sitting or lying position, double vision, dream abnormalities, drooling, drowsiness, dry mouth, euphoria, eyelid twitching, faintness, falling, fatigue, fever, flatulence, fluid retention, flushing, hair loss, headache, heart attack, heart palpitations, heartburn, hiccups, high or low blood pressure, hoarseness, hot flashes, increased sex drive, increased tremor, insomnia or other sleep problems, irregular heartbeat, leg pain, locked jaw, loss of appetite, malignant melanoma, memory problems, mental changes, muscle cramps, muscle twitching, nervousness, numbness, "on-off" phenomena, paralysis of certain muscles and unwanted movement of others, paranoia, persistent erection, phlebitis (swelling of a vein), rash, rolling eyes, shortness of breath, shoulder pain, slowed physical movements, sore throat, speech impairment, stomach ulcer, suicidal tendencies, swallowing difficulties, sweating, taste changes, teeth-grinding, tingling or pins and needles, upper respiratory infection, upset stomach, urinary frequency, urinary incontinence, urinary retention, urinary tract infections, weakness, weight loss or gain, writhing or flailing movements, vomiting