Local burning and ocular discomfort may occur as well as itching, foreign body sensation, lid margin crusting, crystals/scales, conjunctival hyperaemia and bad taste following instillation. Additionally, corneal staining, keratopathy/keratitis, allergic reactions, lid oedema, tearing, photophobia, corneal infiltrates, nausea and decreased vision have been reported. Hypersensitivity reactions cannot be excluded.
In patients with corneal ulcer and frequent administration of the drug, white precipitates have been observed which resolved after continuous application of CILOXAN. The precipitate does not preclude the continued use of CILOXAN nor does it adversely affect the clinical course of the ulcer or the visual outcome. The onset of the precipitate was within 24 hours to 7 days after starting therapy. Resolution of the precipitate varied from immediately to 13 days after therapy commencing.